Have you just moved into a development and need a fence? It can be a tricky process involving figuring out property lines, working with your municipality and cooperating with those living around you. To make the process easier, have you considered opting for neighbour group fencing? Let’s go over a few key benefits of doing so.
Minimize Friction and Stress
Nothing sets off a feud between neighbours like a dispute over a fence’s location, size, materials used and even the cost. Instead of just diving in and getting straight to construction, take the time to get to know those living around you and see if they would be interested in working out an agreement. By taking the time to show them what you had in mind and seeing if they’re comfortable with it going up, you can prevent a whole lot of frustration and tension later on. Your neighbours may even have more experience with fences and could suggest alterations to your plans that could benefit both sides – literally!
You Could Potentially Share the Cost
If you get along well with your neighbours, you may have the option to split the expenses for fencing shared between your properties. Neighbour group fencing allows multiple households to work together and figure out a solution that works for everyone, and you may find that if all goes well, they may agree to split the expenses (not to mention the discounts). As long as you work with those around you and not against them, there’s a chance you could save quite a bit of money and stress in the long run.
Turn Neighbours into Friends
A great benefit of neighbour group fencing is that it helps to establish relationships between household members. Who knows? Perhaps teaming up to plan, build and pay for a fence will end up bringing everyone closer together! We’ve heard stories of neighbours who end up becoming great friends and decide to remove the boundaries between their properties, creating a larger perimeter that’s multiple properties wide.
All in all, neighbour group fencing offers a chance to save on expenses, gain more peace of mind, reduce stress, and even make friends with those living around you. If you’ve moved into a new development and happen to need a fence, consider what your neighbours need as well and take the time to talk with them – you never know what will come of it! For help with all things fencing from choosing high-quality materials to professional installation, contact us at Ideal Fence today.