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Fence lighting

Fence Lighting Ideas for Added Ambiance and Security

Fence lighting is a wonderful way to make your home’s exterior an inviting and comfortable space for you and anyone you invite to your home. It also acts as a deterrent for those who aren’t invited. This guide reviews what you need to know about fence lighting.

Fence lighting

Creating Ambiance with Fence Lighting

Fence lighting can transform your curb appeal and set the mood for you and your guests. Some of these fence lighting ideas can help you transform your backyard into a romantic getaway, a party zone or a quiet retreat.

Soft and warm lighting for a romantic feel

Consider some outdoor fence lighting to enjoy intimate time with your significant other. Using soft and warm tones can add the right touch to a nice cuddle session in front of the backyard fireplace.

Colour-changing lights for a festive atmosphere

If you’re having a party, colour-changing lights can lift peoples’ spirits and work into your decorative theme. For example, you can change the colour scheme to match the occasion you’re celebrating.

Throwing a Halloween party? Go with orange and purple lighting. Having people over for the big game? Set your lighting to the colours of your home team.

Subtle pathway lighting for a serene garden escape

Strategically placed pathway lights can allow you to enjoy your garden even when the sun has gone down. It also makes it safer to walk in the back of your home by illuminating your path and any potential obstacles.

Bright backyard fence lighting for security.

Enhancing Security with Fence Lighting

Even if you have security cameras facing the back of your home, fence lighting can make your home safer by identifying and warding off would-be intruders. Here are some of the ways that you can secure your home with fence lighting.

Illuminating potential hiding spots

Cameras have blind spots, and there are places around every home where someone could hide out of view. These hiding spots are potential staging grounds for someone who is up to no good. If you have fence lighting, however, the intruder would be seen moving around the back of your home immediately.

Deterrent effect on intruders

Many criminals simply won’t target homes that have active security systems. Motion-activated lights and fence lighting are among the best ways to communicate that your home has security. When staying out of view is one of the greatest priorities for criminals, they won’t want to approach a home with a lit fence.

Motion sensor lights for unexpected activity

If someone is determined enough to enter your backyard, motion sensor lights could catch them off guard. The moment the lights activate, they may leave out of fear that you know they’re there and are about to call the authorities.

Energy-Efficient Options

While it’s true that installing fence lighting could increase your monthly energy bill, some energy-efficient choices can help you reduce your electricity usage. The best option for this is solar fence lights, which recharge themselves throughout the day under the sun.

Cost-effective and eco-friendly

Solar fence lights are easy to install and won’t hurt your budget. If you don’t know how to attach lights to a fence, you can have an expert handle the installation for you. 

No need for external power sources

One of the questions you may have about fence lighting is where they get their power from. With solar fence lights, you don’t need to plug anything into an outlet or run wiring from your home to power them. They turn on automatically once they sense it’s dark out.

Placement considerations for optimal sun exposure

The ideal place to put solar lighting is where you’re likely to get the most sun during the day. This is why fence post cap lighting is the most effective choice. The solar panels are facing the sky, where they have ample opportunity to absorb the sun’s rays during the day.

Creative Design Ideas

From learning how to hang string lights on a fence to choosing the colour and type of lighting, you may not know where to begin. When contemplating the design features for your fence lighting, here are some popular strategies.

Silhouette lighting for artistic effects

Instead of placing lights in elevated positions facing down, consider placing the lights on or near the ground and facing them upward. They can create interesting shadows using the features within your yard.

Highlighting specific landscaping features

Bringing light to certain features throughout your exterior can add aesthetic appeal to your home.

Combining lighting with other outdoor elements

If you have a pool, pond or other water elements outside, you could combine fence lighting to enhance them.

Expert Fencing with Ideal Fence

Fence lighting can add aesthetic appeal to your exterior at night, offer utility while you’re using your outdoor space and increase your home’s security. Ideal Fence is your go-to fence installation expert in Ottawa and can help you choose and install the right lighting to illuminate all the best features of your home’s exterior and landscaping. Contact us to learn more.

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